What if your gender was constantly changing depending on who you surround yourself with? Flux invites you to see our society through a new norm.
Flux is an interactive movie that is played on tablets and lies in the intersection between documentaries and computer games. Flux plays with the notion of a society where gender is perceived as dynamic – it is both defined by one’s biological feature and change in different situations. The sexes are not posed as opposites but change when meeting others. The audience will be involved in the story as soon as selects one of the different icons of the App – which correspond to a character - and an electronic, gender neutral narrator voice guides the journey. The essence of FLUX is that we are always experiencing ourselves and our gender when we relate to other people. The audience is thus invited to explore a non-chronological narrative that swirls closer and closer to the people in the documentary, where can choose to immerse in a single person or follow different ones. Along the way, one has to decide his/her own view of femininity and masculinity to initiate one active reflection process about how is read each other's sexuality in the everyday life.
The goal is that the Flux experience will be a basis for a more inclusive dialogue in the gender debate, so that visitors can subsequently rethink normative power structures between the biological genders. Flux is therefore a bright space where people can use their imagination to re-think society.
More info about the installation here.
Title: FLUX
Duration: 15-90 min
Director: Suvi Helminen
Producer: Anna J. Ljungmark
Platform: Flux is an interactive documentary and a physical installation.
If you would like to exhibit the installation recquire here.
Partners: Sundance Film Fund, Womens’s Museum in Aarhus, AVEK, DFI,
STATUS: Premiered 2019 at the Women’s Museum as a physical installation and at CPH:DOX in 2020 as a digital app. We are currently prototyping a free online version.